
All The Letters I Should Have Sent 

To the people we loved and the people who couldn’t love us. To the ones who broke our hearts and the ones that got away. To the ones who loved us and the ones who healed us. To the ones who made us ask important questions and the ones who gave us the answers. To all the people who once came into our lives and left an impact, left a mark or left a scar. This is a book about healing, grieving, gratitude and moving forward, even if the letters you wish you could have sent never leave your hands. This book is for you.

All The Words I Should Have Said 

In a series of poems, Rania writes candidly about the struggles of our everyday lives, the heartbreak, the pain, the self-doubt but also moving on, learning and healing. This is a book for the deep and old souls and for both soft and strong hearts. This is a journey of evolution and figuring out life.


The Search For Something More

Life is about finding things – finding yourself, finding love, finding good friends, finding your happiness after losing someone you loved and finding peace in the midst of chaos. This book takes you through the stages of falling in love, getting heartbroken, getting over your heartbreak, appreciating friends & family, and the journey to becoming who you really are.

A compilation of essays previously published on Thought Catalog.